Frequently asked questions:
(Because we all have questions sometimes)
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Why do Canderel® Granular products contain maltodexrin?
The core intense sweeteners used in Canderel® products (Aspartame, Acesulfame-K, and Sucralose are between 200 and 400 times sweeter than sugar. We therefore use maltodextrin to make very concentrated intense sweeteners to dissolve and to provide same volume as sugar.
What is maltodextrin and where does it come from?
Maltodextrin is an easily digested f carbohydrate that is completely soluble in our body. It’s widely used as a bulking agent in foods and dry mix products including infant formula. We use non-gmo, gluten free corn based maltodextrin in our formulation.
Why do Canderel® granular products contain 2 calories per teaspoon?
What is sucralose?
Sucralose is a non-calorie sweetener made from sugar. It’s 600 times sweeter than sugar and has a clean, sweet taste without an aftertaste. Sucralose can be used in place of sugar in many foods and beverages. It also works well in most home cooking and baking recipes.
Where does sucralose come from?
Sucralose is produced from sugar through a multistep manufacturing process. During this process a small amount of chlorine is added which changes the structure of the sugar molecule. This change produces a sweetener that has no calories, but is 600 times sweeter than sugar. There is no cause for concern about the safety of sucralose due to the presence of chlorine. Chlorine is present naturally in many foods and beverages that we eat and drink every day. For example; lettuce, mushrooms, and table salt contain small amounts of chlorine.
What types of food contain sucralose?
Sucralose is being used in a broad range of foods and beverages. Currently, the types of products sweetened with Sucralose include carbonated soft drinks, low calorie fruit drinks and yoghurt.
What is the acceptable daily intake (ADI) set for sucralose?
The ADI set for Sucralose by the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO) Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, is 15 mg/kg of body weight per day. For an adult weighing 70 kg can safety consume 170 teaspoons of Ideal for baking granular a day for the whole life.
What is aspartame?
Aspartame is a type of low-calorie sweetener that consists of two amino acids—aspartic acid and phenylalanin
How is aspartame different from sugar?
Both aspartame and sugar provide sweet taste and contain four calories per gram. However, aspartame is 200 times sweeter than sugar and does not raise blood glucose like sugar does.
Is aspartame safe?
Yes. Aspartame is made from two amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. When we consume foods or drinks containing Aspartame the sweetener is broken down to its component parts, which are treated in exactly the same way as if they had come from meat, milk or vegetables. Aspartame brings nothing new to the diet. Its safety has been re-confirmed many times by European Food safety Authority (EFSA).
What is the acceptable daily intake (ADI) set for aspartame?
What is dextrose?
Dextrose, in other words glucose, is a simple sugar (monosaccharide). It is the most important source of energy in all organisms. Dextrose, which is used in our products, is a hydrated form of D-glucose which is manufactured from plant starches.
Is sugar really that bad and how much is too much?
A high sugar-diet can increase the risk of developing dental cavities and diabetes. It can also lead to weight gain as sugary food and drinks tend be calorie dense.
The current recommendation is that we cut back on ‘free’ sugars to just 30g per day. To put this into context, 1tbsp of honey comes with as much as 17g ‘free’ sugar. So a drizzle of honey on your morning porridge could have over half your recommended intake… and that’s all before 9am. (Source: Public Health England, as a result of the SACN report and based on 2000kcal per day)
‘Free’ sugars are typically concentrated sugars and are often added to our food to enhance flavour. They can include sources such as table sugar, maple syrup, honey, agave, coconut sugar and even fruit juices.
Will sweeteners make my sugar craving worse?
Whilst these claims may have made their way into the headlines, this theory isn’t based on robust evidence and hasn’t been proven. However, there are higher quality studies, such as this one ( published in the International Journal of Obesity, which show using sweeteners in place of sugar can actually result in lowering body weight.
Are some sweeteners better for dieters than others?
All sweeteners displace calories from sugar and the type or form of sweetener used in food products really depends on how well it blends with the food product and how it influences the flavour.
Are some sweeteners safer than others?
You’ll be pleased to know all low-calorie sweeteners undergo a comprehensive and thorough safety evaluation by regulatory authorities before being approved for use within foods. In fact, each type of sweetener comes with an acceptable daily intake (ADI) level which is basically the estimated amount of sweetener we can consume per kg of body weight every day and over our lifetime without risk – which is a lot.
This means that for all sweeteners used within food products, there is a large safety margin. For example, an adult would have to drink as many as 14 cans of sugar-free drink every single day before reaching the ADI – which is pretty hard to do.
If there are any potential contraindications with health conditions or side effects of a particular sweetener, food manufacturers are legally bound to state this on the label.
What about coconut sugar, agave and honey - are they healthier sugar sources?
Coconut sugar, agave and honey are often dubbed as ‘healthier’ compared to white refined sugar. Whilst these sugar alternatives come with more nutrients, it’s important to note that you would need to consume them in relatively large amounts to impact the nutrient status of your diet.
What’s the best way to prevent diabetes and maintain blood sugar levels?
Whilst all carbohydrates break down to sugar, it’s only the fibre-rich and slow release carbohydrates which balance blood sugar and provide sustained fuel to the body and brain. Choose wholegrain varieties such as brown rice, quinoa, oats, skin-on potato, and opt for beans and pulses, being mindful of portion sizes.
Include protein at each meal and snack. Protein helps to slow the rate at which a carbohydrate breaks down into sugar and can help to keep blood sugar levels stable. Try adding a protein-rich egg to your toast.
Cut down on added sugar. Whilst this may be hard at first, sweeteners such as Canderel can be the perfect way of enjoying that sweet flavour you love whilst cutting back on sugar. Us Brits love a cuppa, usually several cups a day. By simply swapping out the sugar and replacing it with Canderel Original tablets, you can save on calories with no effect on blood sugar levels.
Everyone seems to be going vegan - is it healthy?
If you are deciding to transition to veganism it’s important to consider following a well-rounded and balanced vegan diet. Any diet which cuts out whole food groups can leave us susceptible to nutrient deficiencies, therefore supplements with nutrients such as vitamin B12 should be considered. Always consult a medical practitioner before taking supplements.
Is there a diet that targets stomach fat?
Unfortunately, there is no magic diet which can target belly fat, but on a more positive note; when weight is lost, for some people the belly fat can be the first to go.
What are your thoughts on the keto diet? Is it just another fad diet?
The ketogenic diet ‘keto’ is an extremely low carbohydrate, high-fat diet and believe it or not, the keto diet was initially designed as an effective tool in the treatment of drug-resistant childhood epilepsy.
There may also be other health conditions in which the keto diet may be beneficial, for example neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis. However, the evidence is limited and more research is required.
When it comes to weight loss, neither a low-carb nor low-fat diet is superior.
Should I follow a low-carb diet to lose weight?
Weight loss is as simple as using more calories than you consume. There is no strong research to suggest that a low-carb diet has an advantage when it comes to weight loss.
Reducing portion sizes and focusing on the quality of the carbohydrates is key. We are all unique and a diet which the individual can sustain is key.
Is it advisable to eat carbs at the end of the day or at the beginning?
Our circadian system plays a role with how we digest sugar, fat and with energy expenditure. Research suggests that several of these rhythms peak in the morning meaning that we may metabolise carbohydrates better earlier on in the day.
However research around meal timings is still in its infancy and focusing on a well-rounded diet with balanced meals is likely to have a bigger impact on health long-term.
Is it ok to eat a high-fat diet now - I keep reading low-fat diets made us fat?
An excess of calories in a diet leads to weight gain rather than the composition of the diet itself. Healthy fats play a key role with optimal health and are essential within our diet.
It’s important to note that 1g of fat comes with 9 calories, whereas 1g carbohydrates and protein comes with just 4 calories. Therefore, fat of any sort should still be consumed in moderation and the focus should be on replacing saturated fat (butter and lard with animal fats) with healthy fats such oily fish, olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocado.
Why does healthy eating seem so contradictory – what should I eat for the best?
The current UK guidelines around nutrition haven’t drastically changed over the years. The main message is to follow a balanced diet which focuses on plants and grains, moderate amounts of eggs, dairy, meat and fish and small amounts of healthy fats.
Media headlines can play a big role with fuelling contradictory information on nutrition. These headlines often come from small studies which have little scientific grounding.
Remember that variety in the diet is key. Focus on everything in moderation and don’t get distracted by contradictory headlines or the latest fads.
What’s the best breakfast for weight loss?
Quick fix breakfasts such as refined pastries, cereals and sugary coffee may give us an energy boost, but they certainly don’t keep hunger at bay.
A low-sugar, high-fibre and protein-rich breakfast is the best option to keep us satisfied all morning long, minimising unnecessary snacking throughout the day.
See below some examples of 5-minute low-sugar breakfasts using Canderel:
• Top your porridge with a sprinkle of Canderel Sugarly and a handful of seeds
• Add a drizzle of Canderel Zero over your morning yoghurt and fresh fruit
• Make high-fibre seeded breakfast muffins with Canderel Sugarly
• For a savoury breakfast enjoy poached eggs with avocado on wholegrain toast along with a sweet fix of a cup of coffee with Canderel
• Overnight oats with berry compote made with Canderel Sugarly
Will eating late at night make me fat?
The UK is reported to have one of the highest evening energy intakes, with dinner providing on average 40% of our daily calories.
When we eat isn’t really what leads to weight gain, it’s how much we eat and since we consume most of our calories in the evening, it could be the perfect opportunity to cut back. Mindless snacking in front of the TV each night is a fast track route of consuming high calorie but nutrient-poor foods.
Can you recommend a good snack to hit the sweet cravings?
• Banana dipped into almond butter
• Greek yoghurt with fresh fruit such as strawberries or figs and a pinch of cinnamon
• Blended frozen bananas and raspberries
• Cacao energy balls made with cacao powder, Canderel Zero, oats, peanut butter and chia seeds
• Homemade hot chocolate using raw cacao, Canderel tablets, vanilla essence, milk and a pinch of nutmeg
Is granola a healthy breakfast option?
Many granolas are high in added sugars such as table sugar and honey. Check the labels for added sugar and if it comes high on the ingredients list, this may be one to consume in moderation.
However, you could make a low-sugar chocolate granola by mixing Canderel Zero, oats, nuts, seeds, cacao powder, coconut oil and almond butter in a bowl and roasting. Enjoy with a dollop of yoghurt and your favourite fresh fruit.
Can you recommend an alternative to chocolate?
A deliciously indulgent yet super quick and easy to make recipe involves blending raw cacao powder, with coconut oil, almond butter, Canderel Zero and vanilla essence. Spread over baking tray and leave in the freezer for 30 minute to harden. Slice, then enjoy.
How often should I be eating?
We are all unique and our requirements may vary, however three balanced meals a day can help to keep us nourished and satiated throughout the day. If you are active or have long gaps between meals, then wholesome snacks can help to keep energy high.
What sized meals should I be eating?
Portion sizes vary depending on our energy expenditure throughout the day. As a general guideline:
• Fill half of your plate with rainbow-coloured vegetables (2 fistfuls)
• Fill a quarter of your plate with cooked carbohydrates (1 cupped hand for women, 2 cupped hands for men)
• Fill a quarter of your plate with protein and healthy fats (1 palm protein + 1tbsp fat for women, 2 palm protein + 2tbsp fat for men.
I hate plain water, what low-calorie drinks can I have?
Hydration is key for optimal concentration, energy and even mood. Try infusing berries, cucumber, lemon, ginger and even mint in fresh water overnight for a flavoured drink.
You can also make a brew of herbal or fruit tea, with Canderel Original Tablets for a tasty, yet warming hydrator.
Is Canderel® suitable for diabetics?
Yes. Canderel® is suitable for people with diabetes as part of a balanced diet since the sweeteners used do not raise blood glucose levels like sugar does. As with other low calorie sweetener products, Canderel® does contain a small amount of carbohydrate per serving to provide volume for a consumer friendly dose. It is important for consumers to look at the nutrition tables on food labels to monitor their overall carbohydrate and sugars intake.
Is Canderel® suitable for children?
All products in the Canderel® range are suitable and safe for children and infants, however we do not particularly recommend Canderel® for infants or very young children (up to the age of three years old). This does not mean that they should never consume foods or drinks made with Canderel®; it simply means that growing children need carbohydrates, including sugar, for healthy growth and development. For children with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, Canderel® can be helpful. It allows these children to enjoy sweet things and still maintain their prescribed diet.
Can pregnant women use Canderel®?
All Canderel® products can all be safely consumed by pregnant women in their diets. However we also remind pregnant women that they need adequate calories to nourish the foetus and should consult with a physician or registered dietician about their nutritional needs to follow dietary recommendations given by their doctor.
Can nursing mothers use Canderel®?
Yes, all Canderel® products can all be safely consumed by nursing mothers, but we also remind women that they need adequate calories to nourish the infant and should consult with a physician or registered dietician about their nutritional needs to follow dietary recommendations given by their doctor.
Is Canderel® certified Kosher?
Yes, all Canderel® products are certified Kosher.
Is Candere® halal approved?
Yes, all Canderel® products are halal certified.
Is Canderel® suitable for vegetarians and vegans?
Yes, all Canderel® products are suitable for vegetarians. Canderel® tablets are not suitable for vegans as the ingredients include lactose, but all other products are vegan friendly.
How can you manage your weight better with Canderel®?
Replacing sugar with a low calorie sweetener can prove extremely useful in helping to maintain a healthy weight. Sweeteners contain very few calories and because they are very sweet, only a tiny amount provides the same sweetness as sugar. Low calorie sweeteners, such as those in Canderel®, are available in tablet, stick, liquid and granulated forms, making them a highly versatile alternative to sugar. They can be used in cooking, sprinkled on cereals, desserts and fruit, as well as in hot drinks. Canderel® products have zero calories per tablet, and 2 calories per teaspoon, whereas a teaspoon of sugar (4g) contains 16 calories.
How is Canderel® digested by the body?
The sweetening ingredients in Canderel® are metabolised by the body just like other foods. Aspartame: Digested like other proteins to its components all of which occur in the diet in greater quantities. Acesulfame-K: Not metabolised by the human body and excreted unchanged Sucralose: Not metabolised by the human body and excreted unchanged Stevia extracts (steviol glycosides): Broken down to steviol in the gut. Steviol is excreted in the urine as steviol glucuronide.
What is Canderel® On The Go Liquid?
It is zero calorie, zero sugar & lactose free sweetener in liquid form. It is perfect to use in hot and cold beverages, cocktails & mocktails and in many recipes. Just 2 drops sweeten like one teaspoon of sugar.
How do I use Canderel® On The Go Liquid?
Use Canderel® On The Go liquid in hot and cold beverages, smoothies, on your cereals, sauces, salad dressings, where the main role of sugar is to just to provide sweetness. Canderel® On The Go liquid may not be suitable for recipes that need sugar for volume and browning.